Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Put the notes in his jacket, pants and socks?

Did you see this article?

You've got to be kidding me? The previous discussion w/Squeeze touched on government corruption. See what I mean? You will not get away with this stuff. Especially if your best attempt is taking hand-written notes and stuffing them in your clothes. This totally reminds me of the movie Spies Like Us. Sandy Berger=Chevy Chase. Yeah, that makes for some sweet national security
. "Sounds like Soulfinger by the Barcays. They must be having trouble getting gigs."
Seriously, go to the internet and find one of those little spy cameras or a camera pen, or even the ubiquitous cell phone. This genius puts post-it notes in his pants? Gimme a freakin' break.

Can't wait to see what happens here.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, it was an accident.

    I swear.

    I always hold things in my socks.

    "My driver's license, officer? Sure, let me pull it outta my sock."

    "Can you hold these groceries for me while I grab my house keys from my sock?"

    "That chick just gave me her phone number!"
    "Dude, put it in your sock so you don't lose it!"

    I think Berger's biggest chickenhead stunt was to say he "inadvertently" took the documents. "I didn't mean to!"

    Yeah, that can't miss.


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