Thursday, October 28, 2010

Strong Statement on Liberal Philosophy.

Is brilliant too strong?  From Thomas Sowell at NRO.

This is part of a larger question, as to whether this country is to be a self-governing nation, controlled by “we the people,” as the Constitution put it, or whether arrogant elites shall take it upon themselves to find ways to impose what they want on the rest of us, by circumventing the Constitution.
Congress is already doing that by passing laws before anyone has time to read them and the White House is likewise circumventing the Constitution by appointing “czars” who have as much power as cabinet members, without having to go through the confirmation process prescribed for cabinet members by the Constitution.
Article here.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 01, 2010

The Most Awesomest Coach Ever!

Seriously, a pretty nice article about a good man.

Article here.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Are Dems This Bad? Probably.

Had to include this quote, just because I thought it was funny.
Democrats seeking to boost voter turnout this fall are beginning to sound like the late comedian Chris Farley's portrayal of a "motivational speaker" on Saturday Night Live. Farley's character sought to inspire young people by announcing that they wouldn't amount to "jack squat" and would someday be "living in a van down by the river."
From WJS, link here

This next paragraph follows:
Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, who prefers sailing vessels to vans by the river, recently tried out the Farley method. Said Mr. Kerry, "We have an electorate that doesn't always pay that much attention to what's going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what's happening." Bay State voters are surely thrilled to be represented by a man so respectful of their concerns.
 It's not possible their policies and ideas are rejected by the voters.  No, that can't be it.  It's that the voters are idiots.  Yeah, that's the ticket.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Our Education System Needs is More Money!

Pretty powerful stuff here:

In 2008-2009, the  District of Columbia spent $1.3 billion dollars on 45,858 students. That is slightly less than the entire GDP of Belize. In 2007, 8 percent of DC eighth graders were able to do math at the eighth grade level. Clearly what’s needed is more money!

Jonah Goldberg laying the wood over at NRO.  Here's some more:

And yet when you listen to these endless seminars and interviews on NBC and its various platforms, I never seem to hear Matt Lauer or David Gregory ask “Isn’t the education crisis a failure of liberalism?” After all, liberals insist all social problems can be reduced to root causes. Well, they’ve been in charge of the roots for generations and look at the mess they’ve made. Look at it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Recent stuff I found very interesting.

The quote from this lady is amazing to me.  I suppose my opinion might change if I were in her shoes, but still:
"Quite frankly, I don't care about the deficit," says Ms. Mueller-Holden. "It's going to take years upon years upon years to pay this all back," she says, so it's better to focus on job growth now and deal with the deficit later. 
How does taking all the Fed money/welfare help job growth now?  I still can't believe that people bought the "Stimulus".

See the full article here .


The gift that keeps on giving.  How much more of this junk is in that bill?  Just brutal.
Democrats tucked the 1099 reporting footnote into the bill to raise an estimated $17.1 billion, part of the effort to claim that ObamaCare reduces the deficit by $100 billion or so.
 This is in the health care bill.  I guess you just keep passing stuff and hope nobody notices.  Of course, then why should people comply?

See that article here.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feeling Morbid Today?

Here's an excellent take down of the death tax.  We hate the death tax.

Article here.


Financial Bill Review is Right On.

Pretty good article here.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I think the old link doesn't work.  Stupid copyright laws.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hollywood Hypocrites? Sure looks like it.

This article rings true.  Link.

What's up with that?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Allies Suffer, Our Leader Plays Golf.

What does this say to our allies?  What is the message?  Doesn't Poland have combat troops in Afghanistan/Iraq?
I guess he just doesn't care.  It never enters his mind that he is a public servant.  Or that the office is sometimes bigger than the man.  Jerk move.

It is hard to think of anything more insulting to the Polish people on the day they mourned the loss not only of their president but much of their political and military leadership, for the president of the United States to be enjoying a round of golf after canceling plans to attend the funeral. It is yet another disgraceful example of crass insensitivity to a close American ally, which has become the hallmark of the Obama administration's amateurish foreign policy."
 Link here.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh no.

God help us all.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tiger back for The Masters?

I hope this doesn't turn in to a "isn't this a wonderful story" telecast.

I was a pretty big fan, but the guy turns out to be a scumbag. If he plays well enough to win, great.

But please, please, don't turn this into a heart-warming triumph over adversity storyline.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Harsh view of the President, but worthy of discussion.

I think I've mentioned it here before, but count me among those less than impressed with our current President. Important questions about his qualifications and background were never asked. Too late now. This sums up some of my thoughts:

We have a president who believes that he is always the smartest man in the room, no matter what room. Actually, he is always the least experienced and probably least qualified in any room. The fact of the matter is that he has no experience in anything.

What is known of his background includes stints as a "community organizer" and an adjunct professor. What skills are required to be a community organizer? What experience is gleaned? No experience that is useful or transferable to an executive role.

Obama's short stint as a lecturer of constitutional law was unremarkable in any academic sense. No evidence of writing or publishing can be found. The most notable aspect was his interpretation of the Constitution. He views the Constitution as a "living document," open to changes that produce "social justice." In effect, other than as a quaint artifact of history, for Obama, the Constitution does not exist.

From Monty Pelerin at American Thinker. Here's the link.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday, February 05, 2010

Mind Boggling Budget Numbers

Clooney's telethon for Haiti raised $66 million. Big number, right? Well, George Clooney would have to have a $66 million telethon every day for the next 158 years to match Obama's spending in this budget. Does that help put it in perspective?' A $66 million telethon every day for the next 158 years!

From Rush

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm taking a stand on this.

Thanks to Jay Nordlinger. I was guilty of the Italian pronunciation before, but damnit, I'm not taking it any more.

“Forte,” meaning “strength,” “expertise,” or “strong suit,” is pronounced “fort.” It comes from French, not Italian. Do you remember the old Groucho joke? Tallulah Bankhead says, “Singing isn’t really your forte.” Groucho responds, “I wish Knox were my forte.” Wouldn’t make sense pronouncing the word the Italian way — as we do in music. (And if you double your “f,” what do you get? “Fortissimo,” right. And if you triple it? “Fortississimo,” correct.)

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Whole World is Going Crazy.

Not sure what to think about politics anymore. Found this Krauthammer quote funny:

You know, this is an amazing week. Massachusetts goes Republican, health care dies, and the Supreme Court unshackles the First Amendment. It's the best week I have had since spring break in medical school — and I don't even remember it.

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