Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Interesting insight from across the pond.....

Check this article from newsmax:

Haven't read Paul Johnson before, but I'll have to take a look.

His take on the Clintons is interesting and one that I share. I've often felt that their relationship is constructed to maximize political power. Obviously I've never met them, but I remember an argument with a Clintonite in the late 90's, and my final riposte was that it is all about the power. I still think I'm right.

Thanks to Pat in Covedale for providing the definitive Michael Moore article. The article answered my earlier question, "where did this Jackass come from?" Good stuff.

Finally, I've been following the Scott Peterson trial via internet (courttv & foxnews). Mostly based on my own personal morbid fascination. I really haven't decided guilt or innocence. I really think the prosecution is in trouble. I don't like the idea of presenting multiple theories of the case to the jury (hiding the mistress/didn't want to be married & a father/wanted Laci's inherited jewel fortune) and apparently, the lead detective was shredded on cross. We'll see if the prosceution's rehab is effective.

Off to Florida this July 4th weekend, where it's going to be hot, real hot, Africa hot, Tarzan can't take that kind a heat.

To quote a college wrestler, after he was maced by the local police during a bar fight, "That shit don't faze me!"

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Caddyshack IS great!

Oh yeah, before I forget. Jay Bilas, Mike Greenberg, and the big man, Mike Golic, were talking about best sports movies from last 25 yrs this morning.

Bilas is right, Caddyshack IS a great movie. You can't be on a golf course with your buddies and NOT use lines from this movie.
All of my friends know this movie and can quote lines at will.

You shall not play golf without using this movie as a script for most of your conversations!

Stuff to ponder

This whole Michael Moore stuff is mindboggling. What a dope. Here's some stuff I dug up in just a few minutes:

Also some recent present sense impressions:

Who is this Jackass? Seriously, where did this guy come from? How can seemingly normal people be enraptured by a guy who consistently lies? Let's look at his body of work. Roger and Me: Lies, Bowling for Columbine: Lies, Farenheit 9/11: Lies (see mm's assertion that Bush let Saudi's fly out of the US after 9/11 - we now know that was solely authorized by Dick Clarke. Or his introduction of Iraq as a "soverign" nation, when even a 3rd grader knows you don't have a bunch of soverignty when you have no-fly zones for 10 years Hitchens article invaluable in deconstructing this wretched diatribe). Yeah, I can't wait to see his next film. How do people that saw his films respond to stuff this joker says about them? Do they even know? I doubt it. I remember after he won an Oscar for a lie filled muck-job, an article that shed light on the true Michael Moore. How he claims to be a common man, while jet-setting around the globe. Schlepping around unshaven and in sneakers, but always chauffered in a limo. What a joke. He's absolutely laughing all the way to the bank on the backs of people he calls, "the dumbest people of the planet." Maybe he's right, people are lining up to pay to see his schlock and some even believe it.

Monday, June 28, 2004

see you tomorrow

Just getting this up and running. will post msgs and thoughts tomorrow. oh yeah, this can't miss.

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