Friday, July 23, 2004

Ah, the Commission.

Read this article re the report. Provides good background re the commissioners as well as the "politicization" of the report.
This type of stuff happens with all gov't commissions. Even the commissions that are right.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's a shame that people's own personal agendas get in the way of things. But as you've said, at a certain point you just have to hope that people are doing their jobs correctly.

    Maybe we should create commissions to keep on eye on other commissions to make sure they're doing their jobs right...

    Even though the report has concluded that Iraq didn't play a part in 9/11 and Iran might have had a bigger role, I'm still skeptical. What about Saudi Arabia? Or I've heard that there's evidence that Pakistan was involved (trail of money, etc.)--funny that nothing was found about those countries.


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