Thursday, July 22, 2004

Ohio boys do the US proud!

Read about them here.
Great job guys.


  1. Not everyone is so enthusiastic.

    Here's a look on the other side of the fence:

  2. Pretty sad. But you can find malcontents in every war, on every side.
    Amazing that your article is from ABC, a mainstream press outlet. Yet my article requires some work to find. Why is that? Maybe I'm on the fringe?
    Seriously, I don't doubt their are soldiers over there with poor attitudes. Have you ever been part of a group where these same dynamics were on display? I don't think it's dispositive of the issue of troop morale.
    I just wanted to commend good ole Ohio guys actually acting like professional soldiers (all volunteer to this point). Maybe the 2nd Brigade is from California?

  3. "Maybe the 2nd Brigade is from California?"

    Ouch. That was a low blow.

  4. Why? You're a native Ohioan! You can take the boy outta Ohio, but you can't take the Ohio outta the boy!


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