Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I don't need another reason to hate TSUN, but....

here's a good one. Read this article from FPM. I'm still too naive about higher education. I can't believe this stuff still goes on. Shocking.


  1. This is what I've been saying. Liberals believe in free speech only if you agree with them. If you disagree with their position or hold the conservative viewpoint they simply denounce you as a hatemonger - much like what happened to the UM student in the article. They can rationalize that reaction as indicated by the professor on the grounds that your contrary viewpoint has no value. Sad.

  2. Of course this type of thing goes on, and quite often. Ayn Rand wrote about it in her book "The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution". It's terrible that universities are no longer places that encourage the exchange of ideas.

    I would've been pissed if I had to listen to that "anti-Coors" speech. I hope that our "Republican friend" keeps fighting the "good fight"--no matter what his opposition.

  3. Now if this guy wanted to rail on about how crappy Coors beer is (especially Coors Light) I would have been fully supportive. THAT would be an important topic worthy of delaying the class.


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