I'm sick to death of this garbage and it has to stop. The democrats insist on claiming that the 2000 presidential election was "stolen." Continuing this fallacy is detrimental to our government, country, and political progress. The democrats must believe that our system is so unsophisticated, rudimentary and worthless, that an actual presidential election can be swiped like a pair of socks from the local Goodwill. As if the electoral process can be manipulated by some third rate Doug Henning and sleight of hand. Why, those damn Republicans should be sent packing so they don't "steal" another election this year! As if stealing an election is even possible. I suppose Republicans are smart enough to steal one election, but only that one time.
Yet, they keep perpetuating this myth and cheapening our Federal Republic and damaging the very political process they seek to control. Why? Do you want something so bad you're willing to damage it, just so you can control it. It's anathema to their supposed position of caring and sensitivity. Can I draw a convoluted analogy? I love my dog, but do I have to beat him until he's crippled because I can't control him? Whew, that analogy is out there, but I'm seeing the parallels. Remember Martin Lawrence in Boomerang? It's like a pool table is the earth, and the game is not over until the WHITE ball..........Yeah, that's where I am with this ridiculous tripe. (Not that it's important, but a letter from my beloved union leadership is the catalyst for this rant) This type of rhetoric is moving to political process backwards and degrades our country. Check this recent article (the interview with Seif Khadafy)to see what I mean. Khadafy’s kid is an idiot. That line about democracy burns me up. Freakin’ snob. See what the democrats are doing to the greatest country on earth? Half the people think the current administration is illegitimate? We should be shaping our ploughshares into swords. Better yet, our democratic colleagues should demand better from their representatives.
This is infuriating on a number of levels - mostly because the Democrats are at fault for the whole mess.
ReplyDelete1. Al - win your home state and you're president and none of this even comes up. You frickin' loser.
2. It was a Democratic election committee who developed the alleged confusing ballot, which I'm sorry, if you were confused by that ballot you're too stupid to be allowed to vote anyway.
3. Gore was the one trying to steal the election by selectively calling for recounts in Democrat heavy counties and by trying to read every ballot like a tea leaf casting a vote for him. Plus, I believe his campaign tried to get thrown out a large number of absentee ballots, which would have had the effect of disenfranchising many pro-Bush servicemen and women.
4. Seven of the nine members of the Supreme Court agreed that Gore's proposed method of conducting the recount violated the Equal Protection Clause. In other words, there was a strong majority who believed, paraphrasing, that Gore was trying to cheat. The narrow split on the Court was what to do about the cheating.
5. A couple of studies done by newspapers after the election, which tallied up all the alleged miscast votes, hanging chads, etc., determined that Bush would have won the recount anyway.
6. If Gore had any class he would have conceded the election immediately and saved the country from a lot of anguish. See Nixon in the 1960 election. But class is not part of the Clinton machine modus operandi.
So I agree, this continued whining and bitterness on the part of the Democrats is not warranted. I'm very much afraid we're going to have the same problems because now they've had four years instead of just a couple of days to figure out how to muddy the electoral waters. I hope Bush issues a major trouncing a la Reagan in 1984 so we can stop this bitching about the Florida election once and for all.