Monday, August 30, 2004

How could you do it, Jason?

I have to admit I was disappointed by Jason Whitlock's most recent ESPN page2 column. Pulling out the race card to explain the American sporting public's complaints about USA basketball? As I stated earlier, I didn't think this team would win a medal, thankfully, I was wrong. Even though most people seem disappointed with a bronze medal, I think we should thank our lucky stars.
But the race card? "The only explanation." Really? Isn't it possible that we didn't think this was a good team? I mean when you're Olympic record is 109-2 (not the Tony Korheiser outrageous, make a point stat, but the real record of the US in Olympic basketball), you have to get upset by losses to Puerto Rico and other non-powerhouse teams, right? This is the same team that was destroyed by Italy in an exhibition game in July. Italy? The American culture is heavily invested in winners. See the New York Yankees, the Los Anegles Lakers, the Dallas Cowboys. We like winners. This basketball team didn't win. They didn't play like winners during the exhibition. I watched some games before and during the Olympics. The team didn't play team defense, they didn't shoot (I'm still baffled by that. The three point line is closer! These guys should have been salivating). They didn't rebound particularly well, and they looked lost on offense 80% of the time. Did I mention the defense was terrible?
Isn't that reason enough not to like them? Just as America likes winners, we still have our problems with race relations. I'm sure people out there took the racist view Mr. Whitlock describes, but "the only explanation"? Hardly.

1 comment:

  1. Check out Wilbon's article from the Washington Post on Team USA for a cogent explanation of the team's failure:


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