Tuesday, August 31, 2004

As if we needed more proof that tsun stinks!

Check this column from Jay Nordlinger on NRO. I really like this guys work (in some small way responsible for this blog). What a plus that he's conservative and from Ann Arbor!
Pay special attention to the comment regarding the UM Political Science Chairman. " Left-wing and stupid, a lethal combination." What a great quote!


  1. I guess the root problem I have with liberals and liberalism, at least with ones like the good professor at UM, is their dishonestly and disingenuousness. There clearly is a double standard at work. Liberals are all for free speech, unless you disagree with them. In which case, your're either too judgmental, narrow-minded, a hate-monger, or as the professor believes, a supporter of apartheid. Conservatives are supposed to be mean-spirited and ingenuous, but liberals are allowed to say the most awful things about President Bush because he's conservative and supposedly a dolt. Liberals supposedly support civil rights but then when Paula Jones and others make sexual harrasment claims against President Clinton, not only are the claims denounced as a right wing conspiracy, but these women are roundly savaged in the media and by Clinton operatives like Carville because Clinton is on the "right" side of the issues. On the other hand, Bob Packwood gets run out of office for conduct that in comparison makes him look like a sixth grader with a school boy crush. Republicans are supposed to be in bed with the wealthy and the large corporations, but who has benefitted from shady business deals? How about DNC Chairman Terry McCauliffe and Ms. Pork Bellies, Hillary Clinton? Who pardoned a rich fugitive from justice after a million dollar donation from his ex-wife? Mr. Bill. Liberals are very good at slinging the mud, but very poor at looking in the mirror.

  2. And, finishing on the above thought, I won't even get into the whole abortion debate, and the euphemisms used by the left to buffer themselves from the realities of the issue.

  3. Did I miss something? What is "tsun"?


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