Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Former President detached from reality.

Here's what Oliver North has to say. Some solid points. Is assassination illegal?

I'm sure you've seen the FoxNews interview with Bill Clinton. I watched it. What a fraud. It's embarassing that this guy was the freakin' President. TWICE. I always said it was about the power, with him and his wife. In a heated exchange with an avowed liberal, my final retort was, "words mean something." Not to this guy. Just recreate and redefine all you want. Now he's on a crusade to protect his "legacy." Good luck with that. Talk about tilting at windmills

Here's a great response from NRO.

1 comment:

  1. There is a good article on the WSJ opinion page about what Bill knew and what he didn't do too.


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