Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The streak is broken.

Didn't make a post for October 2006. Bummer. Almost missed November.

What did I miss?


  1. 1. OSU defeats Michigan. Most excellent.

    2. Saddam - gonna swing. Bad for him, good for us.

    3. Elections. Very bad.

    4. Stock Market - over 12,000. Good for all.

    5. Jessica Simpson -Tony Romo. Neutral effect.

    6. Rumsfeld out. Gates in. Advantage - push? No one seems to be bemoaning his departure. I still think he's a good man though.

    7. Hastert out. Pelosi in. Very, very bad.

    8. Lieberman stays. Good, although I still think he sold out to get on Gore's ticket.

    9. Soriano to the Cubs. Monster '07 in store.

    10. USC over Notre Dame. Very good if they beat UCLA Saturday.

    Not a true top ten important events but stuff off the top of my head.

  2. Good Stuff. I can't find anything to add (except see post above).

    Wonder how history will view Rummy? My guess is favorably (See Ronald Reagan).

    No offense, but could care less about Soriano/Cubs. Totally indifferent at this point.

    Ohio State to the National Championship game is fabulous!


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