Friday, September 15, 2006

Dominating crisis for my generation.

Terrorism and the Middle East. Synonymous, really.

Check this article from Krauthammer. Absolutely terrifying. I haven't blogged about this recently because it's so overwhelming.

Within a year? Wow. I had always believed that Israel would prevent a nuclear Iran. They have to. But after the recent tussle with Hezbollah, I'm not very confident in Israeli ability.

Recently, George Will argued that the doctrine of preemption was dead. I wonder if he still feels the same?

1 comment:

  1. I would think there is a good chance that Israel would beat us to it. They would forebear for awhile but that's about it. I understand your concerns about their ability to pull it off, given the recent experience in Lebanon against Hezbollah, but I think that was more a failure in sustained leadership and strategy. Israel has been very adept in pulling off these kind of raids, Entebbe, the 1981 mission against the Iraqi reactor, bomding of PLO headquarters in Tunisia in 1985, etc. So I think they can do the job, it's the aftermath, as Krauthammer points out, that will be the problem.

    Here's a link to the raid on the Iraqi reactor -


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