Friday, October 08, 2004

Waffles. Strawberries with whipped cream waffles.

Find this article interesting and instructive.

Amen Brother!


  1. Both articles are very interesting.

    I agree with Lowry--there's never been any evidence that says "we had bin Laden cornered".

    But Goldberg's article...a couple of things:

    First, a lot of people love saying how "Kerry/Edwards voted for the war". Actually, they didn't. They supported an Iraq resolution that called for "intensified diplomacy" and left the use of military force up to the President. The resolution stated, "The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate." This doesn't resolve them totally of guilt, as they could have prevented the mistake, but it's much different than "voting for the war".

    Second, Goldberg states:

    "And I don't care if you opposed the war from day one. What disgusts me are those people who say toppling Saddam and fighting the terror war on their turf rather than ours is a mistake..."

    No one says that this was a mistake. I don't understand the "You're either for us or against us" mentality. As if everyone who opposes the war is walking around with "I *heart* Saddam" buttons.

    I believe that this war was a mistake because we've attacked the wrong country. There has never been any disagreement with the fact that Al Qaeda is responsible for the 9/11 attacks--and there has never been any good evidence to support the claim that Hussein was connected with Al Qaeda in orchestrating the attacks.

    Surprisingly, Bush said it best: "No government should ignore the threat of terror, because to look the other war gives terrorists the chance to regroup and recruit and prepare."

    What do we think Al Qaeda is doing right now, as we involve ourselves with the war in Iraq?

  2. I think Terry McAuliffe needs you.
    Didn't Kerry vote yes on the "Iraq War Resolution"? What does that mean to you? "I'm voting yes on this war thingie, but I don't really want a war." Or, "I vote for war, unless it doesn't look good politically (when I'm getting beaten by Dean in the pols)"
    I suppose that depends on what your definition of "global test" is.
    It depends on what your definition of "is" is. Wait, that wasn't you.
    Who do you think we're fighting in Iraq now? Zarqawi=Al Qaeda. I'd rather that we fight them there than wait for them to attack us here.

  3. Oh, boy.

    Maybe we just better save our strength for the responses to tonight's debate.

    My prediction: Bush is gonna get chewed up.

  4. Halliburton! Halliburton! Tora Bora! Tora Bora! Tora Bora!


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