Krauthammer is very effective. I hate to put this stuff up so close to election, but this is critical. Recent poll numbers scare the beejeezus outta me. Undecideds out there really need to hear this and make an informed choice.
Love Krauthammer - again a person who writes very thoughtful columns. His column reminds of more contradictions in the Kerry-Edwards camp regarding combating terrorism. In the vice presidential debate, Edwards commented something to the effect of "There are Al-Queada (sp?) members in 60 countries. How many countries are you going to invade?" Implying we can't get them everywhere. Then Kerry says they other day, "I will find the terrorists wherever they are and capture or kill them." So Mr. Kerry, there are Al-Queada members in 60 countries, how many countries are YOU going to invade. My guess is 0.
Love Krauthammer - again a person who writes very thoughtful columns. His column reminds of more contradictions in the Kerry-Edwards camp regarding combating terrorism. In the vice presidential debate, Edwards commented something to the effect of "There are Al-Queada (sp?) members in 60 countries. How many countries are you going to invade?" Implying we can't get them everywhere. Then Kerry says they other day, "I will find the terrorists wherever they are and capture or kill them." So Mr. Kerry, there are Al-Queada members in 60 countries, how many countries are YOU going to invade. My guess is 0.