Tuesday, March 27, 2007

They Banned Legos?

Not going to send my children to a place like this.
The thought process is astounding. Damn our capitalistic society and it's winners and losers! We don't want our children to be prepared for that!


  1. Eh?

    Damned capitalists!

    Let's just all move to the country and grow rice together - of course making sure that we don't use fossil fuel. But then, we probably can't shackle plows to horses and oxen because that would be cruel.

    Where does this aversion to competition come from? Are these teachers still bearing scars from childhood where they got picked last in sports or got pushed around by the bigger kids? They obviously don't realize that they're just setting up these kids to get their indoctrinated altruistic asses plowed under by the admittedly less noble but nonetheless ruthless inhabitants of the rest of the world.

    I'm not saying that we need to teach kids to only look out for number one and win at all costs, but this holding hands, we are the world stuff is not the answer either.

    Plus, they have a zoning code in Legotown? All the buildings must be the same? You know what that is? Communism!

    Nuff said.

  2. On a somewhat related topic, check out this story:


    no more chatter in LLB.


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