Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Unreasonable searches, man.

More constitutional law in the news in this article.

Sounds like the General got it right and the reporter botched the nuance (I can't use that word without thinking of the Dems last prez candidate. PUH leeze). Imagine that.

1 comment:

  1. The general, of course, is absolutely right. Off the top of my head I can think of two instances where a search or seizure need not be supported by probable cause - border searches and DUI checkpoints. Random drug testing may fall under this rubric and I believe that schools can search students' lockers without probable cause. I know the NTSA helpfully searched both my luggage and my golf bag last trip.

    I know there's got to be some politics involved in the promotion process, but guys don't get promoted to Lieutenant General without being pretty sharp. I think both Senators and reporters need to start realizing that if there is a general or Supreme Court nominee in the room, they're looking at the smartest guy in the room. So stop thinking you're going to trip this guy up on something.


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