Thursday, April 07, 2005

"Why doesn't Bush do something?!?"

....exclaimed a co-worker in reference to high gasoline prices yesterday. Followed by her rant that I think included the federal crime of threatening the president, as well as petulant personal commentary regarding his "beady little eyes."
While I don't fully understand the national crude oil reserves and the presidents powers to control these reserves, why should the president be involved in manipulating oil markets? Hey, no one hates high gas prices more than I do. I'm driving one of the biggest behemoths on the road and it hurts to "filler up." I'm probably in the market for a new vehicle soon, and I'll have some real choices to make, but one of them is not to ask the president to manage gas prices.
Makes you kinda wonder about drilling in Alaska again, doesn't it? Interesting ANWR article here.
Immediately after the above exclamation, a chorus of voices said, "Yeah!!" I was struck by the need of these people to have the government fix their problems. By and large, I DON'T want the goverment fixing my problems. Certainly a minority here at work, YIKES!

1 comment:

  1. In fact, the president IS doing something by attempting to get legislation passed to allow drilling in the ANWR. It's ironic (and sad) that the people who want the president to tap into the strategic reserve are probably the same people that are opposed to drilling in the ANWR. Look, there are nothing but caribou in the ANWR and the area is so remote that no one could get there to look at the caribou. I'm sure the caribou won't mind grazing around the oil rigs. We kinda need the strategic reserve; we don't really need to protect this huge wildlife reserve so that the caribou can graze unmolested. (Dennis Miller has a great rant about this topic in his Raw Feed DVD). So let's drill in the ANWR. Sounds easy to me.


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