Monday, February 28, 2005

Guest Post! Finally, some coherent thought!

You know, it occurred to me .........regarding a challenge to, inter alia, the requirement in Ohio that a minor obtain parental consent before obtaining an abortion, that these civil liberties groups have a set of perverse and often inconsistent values. Basically, they think that minors should not have to get parental consent to get abortion. Presumably, I guess, minors are fully capable of making that decision alone. But, yet, God forbid a prayer be said at high school commencement or they recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, or evolution is being taught in school, and they represent the parents who come in and say, "My child is being indoctrinated and he or she is not mature enough to withstand the coercive effect created by the state." So on one hand, minors are mature enough to decide to get an abortion but on the other are too impressionable to withstand a 25 second prayer which mentions "God". What if we had a case with an abortion-seeking minor whose parents were opposed to the Pledge of Allegiance? Think of the conundrum! The other inconsistency, which I know we've discussed, is supporting abortion but opposing capital punishment. That makes no sense to me. An old court reporter pointed out, the only consisent position is opposing abortion and the death penalty, which is what she believed.

I guess the answer is, it doesn't matter what the right is, if it's been established or we can argue for it, then by god we're going to protect it. Essentially, I guess, no standards, which kind of makes the content of the right meaningless.

Ah well, that is my philosophical moment for today.

Check the last paragraph in this article. Too young to consent to sex? But obviously mature enough to decide the fate of her child? Oh, the inconsistency.

Friday, February 18, 2005

From the "Stuff the MSM won't provide" file.

Read this link from Victor Davis Hanson. The second part is here. Pretty awesome stuff. Why don't we get more of this from MSM? Go Figure.
How many other stories like this are out there? Enough to fill up the USA Today for a few weeks, I'm sure. It's kind of refreshing to be able to get this type of information with little effort. Hail to the little guys!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

This kinda stuff burns me up!

Did you see where Alanis Morisette became a citizen of the United States of America? Link. I usually don't mind that, I mean this is the greatest country on earth. Who wouldn't want to be a citizen? It's just way too hypocritical after her escapades last year at a Canadian award ceremony. Link. Ironic? Indeed!
It burns me up that people out there just love to criticize, execpt when it benefits them. You know that she did this to benefit from the tax structure here. Canadian socialism is great, until YOU have to pay for it. Are there enough record buyers in Canada to make an album "go platinum"? I guess our climate of "fear" isn't so scary after all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Born this way? Hmmmm....

This discussion on homosexuality by John Derbyshire is insightful and thought-provoking. Much of his reasoning about this thorny issue is compelling and I think, accurate.

Naivete knows no bounds.

I've mentioned it here before, but I'm still amazed at the radicalism that passes for intellectualism at our universities. Here's an interesting article about a professor at Northwestern's Law School, easily considered a top law school in the U.S. I find that this professor's tenure is more alarming than that idiot in Colorado. If she was not admitted to the State Bar of New York due to her lack of respect for the rule of law, how can she possibly be a professor in law school?

Find an interesting article here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

A big screen version of Miami Vice? Awesome!

Universal Studios is making a movie version of Miami Vice. Link. How cool is that!?! It's gonna be tough to fill Tubbs' shoes, but I guess we'll see if Jamie Foxx is up to the task. How true to the original will Michael Mann's movie be? Same car? I have to think they'll update some of those things for the movie, although I hope they don't. I need to hear some Don Johnson/Phillip Michael Thomas quotes before and after the movie. What about celebrity appearances? Maybe Bruce Willis will be free?

Here's a newspaper blurb hyping the Mann angle.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Hat tip to other bloggers.

Here's a link to another blog that I find interesting. Seriously, how many conservative black woman are out there?
I found her post of 2.12.05 titled "President of the NAACP" provacative.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Condi versus Hillary? I'll take that bet.

Interesting article here.
Condi has impressive credentials, but difficult political background (not a governor).
I'd vote for her!

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