Monday, July 14, 2008

Hollywood, life and the creative process.

What an interesting view of Hollywood from this article.

First, the keying of cars is not limited to Hollywood and SoCal. I have a colleague that had a Bush-Cheney sticker on his car keyed here at work. In the county garage. We had the same conversation. It would never occur to me to key a car with prominent Democratic stickers. Heck, my arm would get tired. But the fact is, that sticker is on a car that belongs to somebody else. If they want to advertise their idiocy, have at it, Hoss. Keep you mitts off the private property, got it?

Second, I wondered if a close and dear friend has resorted to shouting out "Vote Libertarian" to ensure the operatives from Hollywood that he is in fact on board. Per our recent discussion, we can change our treatment to make the Guantanamo detainees the heroes, really, we can.

Third, I think Breitbart nailed the withering of the creative process. So what are all the people in Hollywood in it for? The art? The money? The politics? The power? Here comes the cynic in me......

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