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The golfer actually hit balls at the bird? C'mon guys, what were you thinking?
God forbid we have to do another take. Not to get too granola-y here, but did it occur to anyone that you may have been too close to a nest? Fer cripes sake, take video of the hawk and try to sell it to National Geographic. Could you wait the bird out? Was anybody on the film crew smarter than a bird? I understand that making that instructional clip is very important, but to kill a bird? Really? What if it had been a dog barking? Tee up your driver for that, huh?
Didn't check the laws, but they take that migratory bird stuff pretty seriously in Florida. Seems like cruelty to animals is enough. I'm not travelling down the spotted owl road, and I think you can make logical distinctions between that issue and this one, but for crying out loud, actually hitting golf balls at the bird?
What an idiot.
$1400 fine and up to a year in jail I think is the possible penaltly. Dumb. Hey, Tripp, let's go shoot some passenger pigeons.