Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Government is Firing Private Sector Employees.

Yes, I get that these companies accepted government money (which I was vehemently opposed to), but still. Hello Central Planning? Capitalism going down man.

Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), probably the most knowledgeable man in Congress about the car bailout, and someone who argued months ago in favor of a pre-planned government-sponsored bankruptcy for GM and Chrysler, calls the Wagoner firing “a major power-grab by the White House on the heels of another power-grab from Secretary Geithner, who asked last week for the freedom to decide on his own which companies are ‘systemically’ important to our country and worthy of taxpayer investment, and which are not.” Corker calls this “a marked departure from the past,” “truly breathtaking,” and something that “should send a chill through all Americans who believe in free enterprise.”

From Larry Kudlow on NRO (link)

Chilling indeed.

I mentioned my support of the bankruptcy option at a Christmas party and was surprised by the acerbic reaction from a normally sweet and lovable school teacher. As Kool Moe Dee said, "How ya like me now?"
Now, what about the $14 billion doled out since then? Eh, easy come, easy go.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Education is important?

Remember this when the current administration and the Left in general discuss the importance of education. While sending their kids to private schools. Nice. (The context is a comment from Mitch McConnell and the omnibus spending bill that just passed. Again, nice.)

Chief among them is a proposal to terminate a program that gives scholarships for private schools to low-income children in Washington, D.C. Established in 2004, the District of Columbia Opportunity Scholarship Program helped 1,700 D.C. students attend private schools last year at a fraction of the cost of what the city spends per pupil on public education. The popularity of this program is beyond dispute: For every available opening, the city receives four applications. Yet an amendment to preserve it, proposed by Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, failed on a party-line vote. It’s hard to see how Democrats can match their rhetoric with their actions when voting to terminate a program that gives inner-city kids the same educational opportunities that middle-class and affluent students enjoy.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Name this President.

"The worst deficit comes from a recession and if we can take the proper actions at the proper time, this can be the most important step we can take to prevent another recession. That is the right time for a tax cut. A creative tax cut, creating more jobs and income and eventually more revenue. Across the board top to bottom in both corporate and personal income taxes. The billions of dollars it will place in the hands of the consumers and our businessmen will have both immediate and permanent benefits to our economy. Every dollar released from taxation will help create a new job and new salary. These new jobs and new salaries and other new jobs and salaries. And more customers and more growth for an expanding American economy."

Monday, March 02, 2009

This stream looks toxic.

Maybe I can get some "stimulus" money and declare this stream an EPA Superfund site?

Can't get away from the negativity and the new administration. It's mostly driven by the derangement demonstrated by the Left during President Bush's terms. How do you have a serious discussion with people comparing the President and Hitler?

At any rate, here goes:

Didn't Stephen King say something to the effect that if President Bush didn't consider waterboarding torture, why not let the Bush daughters be waterboarded? I know I posted it here before.

Well, I've been looking and I have yet to see any official statement from Mr. King about the education of President Obama's daughters. I saw this:
As with the Clintons, Obama so earnestly believes in public school education that he sends his girls to ... an expensive private school. He demands that taxpayers support the very public schoolteachers he won't trust with his own children.

Thank you Ann Coulter for reminding me of the enlightened left and their total lunacy for the last 8 years.

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