I like this article. It reminds me of Conan the Destroyer: "What is best in life?" Conan "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentation of their women."
The article is also relevant. Oh but wait, we should dialogue with these guys. Right. How do you conduct negotiations with people that consider the fact the you are talking a sign of weakness? Better yet, why? Appeasement as a policy has a long and sorry history of being totally ineffective. The fact that the United States has done something about terrorism is significant. It's important that we are trying to change the status quo. Nobody likes war, but sometimes it's the best tool.
Look, you can also tie in Sharon Stone. See this quote:
Upon entering the city of Bukhara in 1220 he proclaimed: “If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”
She is just like Genghis Khan when she says that China is being punished by an earthquake for it's treatment of Tibet. Or at least has the same "...pagan, a shamanist" belief system. (Just as an aside, I don't know much about Tibetan Buddhism, but is that a tenet of the religion? A vengeful god/gods punish for our misdeeds?)