Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Toledo's travails.

I had been considering a post detailing some of the actions of the Mayor of Toledo. Looks like I've been scooped. Check this link.

I also found this from a former Lucas County Commissioner, link here.

I can't believe the people of Toledo elected this guy. He is single-handedly running the city into the ground. The man has NO economic development experience, yet is the director for Toledo. His policy consists of spending taxpayer dollars frivolously and suing any company with economic interest in Toledo.

He demands action from his employees, yet makes his top officials sit in his waiting room, refusing to start scheduled meetings on time. Ironically, he holds a press conference to announce a hot line that citizens can use to report city workers for loafing on the job.

He is surrounded by inexperienced youths, that serve as "Yes-Men" afraid to provide any advice or say no.

Ever see Seinfeld? He's a real life George Steinbrenner. Calzones.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gas prices too high?

At least here in NWO. Should come down by about a $1.00. That's my prediction. Let's see what happens.

Monday, May 21, 2007

No-hitter silence Ok?

From a discussion on sports talk radio this morning: If a pitcher is throwing a no-hitter, do you talk to him?

Cowherd thinks the silent treatment is ludicrous. I think I'm more a traditionalist. But if the guy is talking to me, I'm gonna answer him.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Science, Physics and stuff.

I know I shouldn't open this can of worms, but can anybody with any amount of education make the statement, "It's the first time in history that fire melted steel?"

What's really sad is that people have had to spend time explaining the chemistry, physics and you know, general science-type stuff to these idiots. Time that could be better spent probably (Cue the irony music, brought to you by the time-wasting blogger guy).

My pops used to say, "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're penned up with chickens."

I saw that Shery Crow comment last week. Dang, why do the hot ones have to be so crazy sometimes?

Monday, May 07, 2007

So, it'd be like Toledo now, only bigger?


This does not seem like a good idea to me. It will be very interesting to see what the ideas are for "streamlining" local government. It's probably easier to raise taxes.....

I've often thought Toledo would be a great place for political scientists and psychologists to study. Amazing group dynamics. The Democratic party has no real challenge, so it splintered into an A team and a B team (can't get the tv theme song outta my head everytime I read it). These factions actually run candidates against each other.

At any rate, I'm sure that Indianapolis is a fine place, but if this is such a fabulous idea, why hasn't anybody else done it?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Nice work, "Your Honor."

This guy is a freakin' judge? You gotta be kidding me. We should arrange a sock party for this doofus.

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