Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Whatever, Gwyn...

Tired of seeing Gwyneth Paltrow and her anit-American views. The most recent occurred in an interview with a Portugese daily newspaper. Paltrow said Americans were "uncivilized" and "less inteligent" than her now current neighbor Brits.
I remember her wailing about American patriotism in the past. Her move to England and marrying of the Coldplay dude says enough. Why do I know all this? I don't know, but I do know that she can take her back-pedaling attempt to save her bank account outta here (see this) .
I find the attempt to preserve her box office appeal sadly transparent. If I could respect you, I could respect you more if you admitted your bias and moved on. The publicist styled effort to claim being misquoted is pathetic. We know your true colors, Gwyn, and they're not Red, White and Blue.

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